Simple ways to avoid heartburn

What you can do to avoid heartburn?

Our unhealthy eating and lifestyle habits are the main causes of the problem of heartburn or acid reflex. It is generally caused by the acid in our stomach. When this acid enters the esophagus, it causes a burning sensation in throat and chest. This problem can cause a lot of inconvenience and pain. By keeping a check on what we eat and how we eat our food, we can avoid this problem. Below mentioned are some healthy habits that you should incorporate in your lifestyle:
•    Eat healthy food: Make healthy foods a part of your diet. Avoid having foods which have high amount of fat or spices. Your method of cooking should also be healthy; it means that you should avoid frying your food in butter or oil.
•    Eat yoghurt: A major cause of heartburn is indigestion. Yoghurt contains a lot of good bacteria which help to make your digestion system strong and also improve your immunity.
•    Drink water: Water detoxifies your system from all unwanted components. It will help to keep your body well hydrated, so that you can avoid other unhealthy beverages, such as tea, coffee etc.
•    Eat smaller portions: heartburn generally occurs when you put pressure on your stomach. In order to avoid that you should eat smaller portions of food at regular intervals, rather than having three big meals a day.
•    Eat slowly: Take time to chew your food properly so that it can be digested easily. Eating your food slowly will help you to feel full and can thus avoid overeating.
•    Watch your weight: heartburn is also linked to obesity. Keep a check on your food intake and your weight. Include exercises and other physical activities in your routine.
The problem of heartburn is mainly caused by unhealthy eating and lifestyle habits. By changing your lifestyle you can easily avoid this problem.

Best Treatment for Heartburn

Select the Best Treatment for Heartburn

Heartburn is a very common digestive ailment. One can choose an appropriate medicine or treatment and can also find a suitable natural remedy for its treatment. Depending upon the frequency of attacks and the symptoms it is advisable to consult a doctor. Also, one can use the herbal remedy or an antacid product to treat the occasional heartburn.  Heartburn is caused by an excessive flow of acid into the esophagus from the stomach. An effective medicine for heartburn treatment helps to neutralize the acid and relieves the sign and symptoms. The individuals having frequent heartburn attacks need to check out their lifestyle and dietary changes.
One of the effective ways to significantly reduce the occurrence of heartburn attacks is to reduce the intake of acidic foods in your diet. The foods like citrus fruits, tomatoes, fried foods and chocolates are responsible for the occurrence of frequent attacks. Before going for a treatment to cure the chronic heartburn, you need to check out your dietary habits and also try to know about the foods which cause sensitivity particularly if you are having occasional heartburn attacks.
Another effective way to cure this problem is to improve your dietary habits as the individuals who suffer from the chronic heartburn need to have light and small meals after regular intervals rather than having a large meal 1- 2 times a day. Overweight individuals are probably more vulnerable to frequent heartburn attacks so, an efficient and helpful heartburn treatment plan should include changing your diet and also the frequency of your meals. Besides, the kind of drinks you have can also be one of the reasons for frequent occurrence of heartburns. Coffee, alcohol, regular sodas, fruit juices and diet sodas can cause the occurrence of heartburn in some individuals. An efficient treatment program will help you to identify the changes that you need to make out in your diet and lifestyle and helps you to cure the problem.

Main Causes of Heartburn

Understanding the causes of heartburn

The burning sensation that you feel after eating a heavy meal is known as heartburn. It is commonly experienced by a large number of people all over the world. The main reasons for the occurrence of heartburn are associated with your food intake and lifestyle habits. By understanding the causes of heartburn it becomes easy to avoid this problem. Here is a list of some factors which can contribute in causing the heartburn:
•    Spice and fried food: Having unhealthy and fatty foods is the biggest reason behind the occurrence of heartburn. The fried and spicy foods contain a high amount of fat and are not easily digested by our body.
•    Heavy meal at dinner: Eating a heavy meal in the dinner increases the pressure in your stomach. Also people who eat very fast also tend to suffer from heartburn more than others.
•    Lying down after a meal: Your stomach takes time to digest the food. Lying down just after having a meal causes the acid to flow from the stomach to the esophagus, which in turn causes the heartburn.
•    Smoking and alcohol: The bad habits of excessive smoking and alcohol consumption are the major reasons for heartburn. Smoking and alcohol intake relaxes the esophageal sphincter that allows the acid to enter the stomach and causes heartburn.
•    Indigestion: Other unhealthy habits related to food, such as eating heavy meals, not chewing your food properly, having foods which are full of fat and spices, affect your digestion system. It also increases the production of acid in your stomach which then gives rise to the problem of heartburn.
•    Caffeine: Frequent and large intake of caffeine induced beverages like coffee, tea and soda also causes the acid to enter the esophagus.
You should try to analyze that what causes heartburn in your case because only after identifying the right cause, you can get rid of this problem.

Tips to avoid heartburn at night

Tips to avoid heartburn at night

A large number of people complain about heartburn during the night. Heartburn occurring at night is considered worse that the day because of many factors. First of all it disturbs your sleep and can disrupt your sleep pattern by keeping you awake. Another factor is that waking up to a burning sensation in your chest and throat can make you very uneasy at night. So the next morning you will wake up looking fatigued and worn out. By practicing the following remedies you can avoid this problem:
•    Avoid heavy meal: Our food gets digested more easily during the day as compared to the night. Try to have a light meal at night and avoid eating food that is fried or too spicy as it produces more acid.
•    Do not smoke or drink: You should not smoke or drink alcohol late in the night as it can relax the LES, which can cause the burning sensation of heartburn.
•    Sit straight: Your sitting posture is very important as it affects your digestive system. Always eat on the table and sit straight with your back against the chair.
•    Do not lie down immediately: You should never lie down immediately after having your dinner. At least give a gap of two to three hours, between your dinner and sleeping time.
•    Drink water: Drinking water before taking your meal will help you to feel full and can avoid overeating. Also you should not drink too much water during the meal.
•    Elevate head of the bed: Raise the head of your bed by about four to six inches. It will prevent the acid from flowing back into esophagus.
•    Do not exercise: Never exercise or indulge in some heavy physical activity right after your meal. You should give some time for the food to get digested.
Also avoid tight clothes. Do not wear very tight clothes in the night to avoid putting any pressure on your stomach. You will sleep much better in loose and comfortable clothes.

Effective treatment for heartburn

Natural remedies- an effective treatment for heartburn

Heartburn, a digestive ailment is a very common medical condition today. The common symptoms are sore throat, sensation in the chest, bitter taste of mouth, difficulty in swallowing and coughing. These are the few symptoms of this digestive problem and one can treat it by taking a suitable medication. Today, thousands of individuals are suffering from this digestive ailment with different levels and frequencies.
In order to effectively deal with this problem, one needs to follow a lifestyle and a balanced diet which can successfully help to get rid of the symptoms. You can considerably reduce the occurrence of heartburn attacks if you follow certain tips which will help you to increase the productivity in your daily chores. To get rid of this digestive problem you should avoid the intake of acidic and spicy foods. The foods like oranges, tomatoes, grapefruit, chilies, pepper and vinegar are likely to cause frequent heartburn attacks in the individuals.
Also, it is advisable to those suffering from heartburn to have fat free foods and avoid oily foods as they can cause more severe heartburns in some individuals. Also, you should have light meals during the day instead of having one heavy meal. Heavy meals are likely to cause acid reflux problem. So, it is advisable to take short breaks between the meals and have light meals. Further, you should avoid the intake of carbonated drinks and the drinks having caffeine. A healthy alternative for these is to have ginger tea or yogurt. One of the most effective drinks to get rid of this problem is the lemon water which can reduce the severity of a problem to a considerable level. Also, it is advisable to avoid having snacks before going to sleep. By using these helpful tips you can get rid of this digestive problem and can improve your lifestyle.

How to get rid of heartburn symptoms

Improve your lifestyle and get rid of heartburn symptoms

Heartburn is a common digestive disorder and is inflicting more and more individuals today. When it comes to the treatment of this common problem it is very essential to find out the origin or the root cause of the problem. The biggest reason for the individuals suffering from this problem is their lifestyle. Today, the individuals are leading a very unhealthy lifestyle which is the major reason why they are inflicted with various types of ailments.
In order to get rid of the symptoms of heartburn you need to improve your lifestyle to increase your overall productivity in the daily chores. The individuals suffering from heartburn need to check out their dietary habits. If you are having junk food at all times then it is the time to stop the consumption of junk food which is likely to cause frequent heartburn attacks. It is very important to include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet to get rid of the heartburn symptoms. By making simple changes in your eating habits and diet plan you can significantly improve your digestion and health and this will eventually decrease your susceptibility to heartburn.
Another very important factor which influences the susceptibility to heartburn and many other ailments is sleep. Having adequate amount of sleep is very important in order to have a healthy living. During sleep your body undergoes the process of healing and regeneration. So, if you are not getting good amount of sleep for a prolonged period you are more likely to suffer from the consequences and heartburn is one of them. Stress is another very important factor which causes many conditions and diseases. Too much stress is not good for health and you should find out the ways to de-stress and relax yourself in order to have a healthy lifestyle. By implementing these small changes you can improve your health and get rid of the symptoms of heartburn.

Identifying the symptoms of heartburn

Identifying the symptoms of heartburn

The acid reflux, more commonly known as heartburn, is experienced by a large number of people. In order to prevent heartburn, it is important for you to understand that what actually is heartburn and what are its symptoms. Heartburn is the condition when you feel a burning sensation in your stomach. It generally occurs when the acid in your stomach, flows into the esophagus, instead of getting digested. It causes a burning feeling in the throat and chest. It is better to properly identify the symptoms of heartburn before starting any remedies or medication. Here is a list of some common symptoms that a person may feel during heartburn:
•    Burning sensation: the burning sensation does not actually occur in the heart or the stomach but can be felt near the breastbone. That is why most people complain of a burning sensation in the chest area during heartburn.
•    Sore throat: the next part that gets affected the most, after the chest, is the throat. You might feel an unusual soreness in your throat, especially in the back area, which is very similar to the feeling of burning.
•    Bitter taste: when a person is suffering from heartburn he will usually feel a bitter taste in his mouth. This bitter or sour taste in the mouth or throat is actually caused by the acid.
•    Difficulty in swallowing: Having such soreness in your throat makes it difficult to swallow anything. You can feel as if you have a lump in your throat which is making it hard for you to swallow.
•    Coughing: though generally it is not associated with heartburn but cough can also occur. As the top portion of your lungs gets affected, it can cause cough very similar to asthma.
The most prominent symptom of heartburn is that this condition occurs mainly after eating spicy or fried foods. This problem can be easily avoided by improving your eating habits.

Finding natural cure for heartburn

Home remedies – finding natural cure for heartburn

Many people suffer from the problem of heartburn in their daily life. This problem is becoming more common each day. The biggest contributors to this problem are our unhealthy lifestyle habits and the kind of food that we take. Eating food that is high in fat, affects our digestive system. 
It increases the production of acid in the stomach, which in turn causes heartburn. This problem can be avoided by changing our lifestyle and by including healthy food items in our diet. In case you are suffering from the problem of heartburn, then you can try the following home remedies:
•    Baking soda: Baking soda is considered very effective to cure heartburn as the bicarbonate in it helps to neutralize the acid in the stomach. Take a glass of warm water and mix a tablespoon of baking soda in it. It should be taken immediately when the symptoms appear.
•    Banana: Banana is good for your system. People who regularly suffer from the problem of heartburn should make it a habit to eat a banana daily.
•    Apple: Another fruit which can be beneficial for you is the apple. You can have some slices after taking your meal.
•    Gum: You can chew a gum after your meal. It helps in digestion of the food and will help to avoid heartburn.
•    Honey: Honey is also proven to be beneficial for you because of its antioxidant property. You can take about two spoonfuls of honey after your meal.
•    Garlic: Raw garlic is famous for its antibiotic properties. Chewing a clove, immediately when the symptoms of heartburn appear, will help to relieve the problem.
•    Water: Drinking adequate amount of water daily detoxifies your body by diluting stomach acids and will also keep you well hydrated.
Obesity is also a major cause of heartburn. Regular exercise or any other physical activity helps you to maintain your weight and can also improve your digestive system.