What Heartburn type You Are Suffering From?

What Heartburn type You Are Suffering From?

Heartburn is very common digestive problem. Before one looks for a solution for heartburn, it is advisable to first understand the type of heartburn a person is suffering from. One might found it surprising but the fact is that the heartburns are categorized into different types and these types depend upon the cause and the severity of the problem.
One of the most common types of heartburn is the summer heartburn. The stifling heat when combined with fatty foods is likely to make a person more vulnerable to heartburns. If you experience heartburn in this way then you are most likely to suffer from summer heartburn. In this case it is advisable to have light meals which can be easily digested and avoid the acidic foods. Another common type of heartburn is the pregnancy heartburn. During the pregnancy the pressure against the stomach increases which tends to slow down the digestion and because of this the digestive acids remain in your stomach for an extended period. This eventually increases the possibility of acid flow back into the esophagus from the stomach and results in heartburn.
The nighttime heartburn is another type of heartburn which is the most painful and the worst form. The nighttime heartburn usually occurs because of the reason that our body lies in the same position for many hours which tends to relax the esophageal sphincter and the flow of acid into the esophagus becomes easier.
Another common type of the heartburn is the chronic heartburn which is a term used for heartburn attacks which occur twice or thrice a week and is generally more severe. It is advisable to consult a doctor before finding a remedy to treat the chronic heartburn. Knowing and understanding the type of heartburn, one is suffering from makes it easier for him to know the cause and finding the suitable remedy to treat the problem.

Foods Which Can Cause Heartburn

Cure GERD by avoiding foods which can cause heartburn

Most commonly the problem of heartburn is caused by the kind of foods that we eat. Having unhealthy and fatty foods can increase the production of acid in your stomach. It also slows down the digestion process which in turn causes heartburn. People who suffer from acid reflux or heartburn should try to find out that which food items can increase this problem so that they can avoid any such food. To make it easier for you, here is a list of some foods which can cause heartburn:

  •  Fruits: Citrus fruits, such as orange, lemon can cause the production of acid. Other than these, the juices of grapefruit and cranberry can also increase the problem of heartburn.
  • Vegetables: tomato is one vegetable which is very acidic in nature. Other vegetables such as raw onion, pepper and chilies should also be avoided.
  • Dairy products: Any type of dairy items, such as milk shake, sour cream, ice cream, eggs, cheese also increases the chances of heartburn.
  • Meats: meats are very high in fat content and take a lot of time to digest. Try to avoid meats like beef, Buffalo wings, chicken nuggets etc.
  • Greasy foods: Foods which are fried are not good for your digestive system. It is better to avoid cheeseburgers, French fries and other fast foods which are fried.
  • Beverages: Excessive intake of alcohol, soda and other beverages which contain caffeine, like tea and coffee are the major causes of heartburn.
  • Chocolate: consuming chocolate in any form, be it eating or drinking, is best avoided if you are suffering from heartburn.

The best way to avoid this problem is to avoid foods which can cause heartburn such as food which is high in sugar, fat, spices or caffeine.  All these items are known causes of heartburn. Try to eat slowly and have smaller portions to avoid hampering your digestion system.

Natural Heartburn Relief

Natural Heartburn Relief for GERD Sufferers

Are you suffering from GERD, or gastroesophageal reflux disease? If you are, then you are probably familiar with the painful, burning sensation that arises, as well as the bitter taste that emerges when some of the stomach acid reaches the oral cavity. If this is still your situation on a daily basis, it is possible that whatever treatment you are using is not working optimally.

In the event that conventional treatments for gastroesophageal reflux disease do not work, you may want to try a more natural route for remedying your acid reflux. Below are some natural remedies that you can try at home, with additional details as to how they work and how they can help you:

1. Herbs like peppermint and caraway have been proven marginally effective in treating acid reflux. You may want to find a food supplement that contains these two herbs and other herbs such as lemon balm, angelica, and licorice.

Folk remedies may help reduce the intensity of acid reflux episodes. Don’t forget to consult with your physician before taking any new food supplements, if you are medicating for any health conditions.

2. Reduce your intake of salty, sour, oily, and spicy food items. Such food items can greatly increase the natural production of stomach acid, which in turn can trigger acid reflux.

Fast food products often contain high levels of sodium and oil, which are a big no-no for people with GERD. If you eat fast food regularly, try cutting down your consumption to once or twice a week only, and watch your portions.

3. Skim milk may help reduce the symptoms of acid reflux, if taken in moderation. Two US cups of skim milk can help reduce the incidence of heartburn in the succeeding hours. Avoid drinking whole milk, as naturally occurring fats and sugars in milk can trigger an increased production of acids in the stomach.

4. Believe it or not, chewing gum can actually help alleviate the symptoms of GERD in some cases. The act of chewing stimulates the production of saliva (a natural enzyme), which can counteract stomach acid.

The more you chew gum, the more saliva you can swallow. Chewing gum also necessitates increased swallowing – air swallowed can help push down any excess stomach acids that may have escaped the lower esophageal sphincter (LES).

Heartburn no more?

For many people, using disparate remedies for just one health condition can be stressful. If you are looking for a natural approach to stopping heartburn for good, then it’s time to look at the Heartburn No More Success System. The Heartburn No More Success System is an all-natural method of controlling and managing acid reflux.

It works for all ages, and the information in this system can be applied immediately. You will learn what to avoid eating to control your condition, as well as how to naturally repair the structures that have been damaged by acid reflux. Essential information about OTC medication and prescription meds can also be found in this one-of-a-kind reference for people with GERD.